Durham University杜倫大學

Durham University 位於英國東北部的杜倫(Durham),是英國第三古老的大學,也其中一所最著名世界級大學和羅素大學集團(The Russell Group)的成員之一。Durham University是一所極具國際聲譽的研究型大學。Durham University 是少有英國的名牌大學開辦大學基礎課程 (International Foundation Year),為國際學生提供選修科目如商科及工程等主修類別,更設英文課程供學生打穩英文水平,完成課程達標後保證升讀Durham University學士學位一年級。


Durham University好唔好?

Durham University學校評價

國際排名: 82
Durham University學費: 每年約22,500-28,500英鎊
收生要求: DSE Best 3 - 5*55-544
畢業生就業前景: 85分
學生滿意度: 80分
生活方便指數: 80分
交通便利指數: 80分
Top Subject著名學科: 考古學 Archaeology

地理 Geography

神學、神學和宗教研究 Theology, divinity and religious studies


Durham University大學特色

杜倫大學(Durham University),位於英國英格蘭杜倫郡內,是英格蘭地區繼劍橋大學和牛津大學成立600餘年後首間被認可成立的大學,普遍被認為是英格蘭第三古老的大學,屬於最早開設的一批大學。杜倫大學為學院制大學,其與劍橋大學和牛津大學為英國僅存的三所中世紀學院制名校,因此在英國就業市場上三校常被併稱為Doxbridge。學術方面,杜倫大學為英國研究型羅素大學集團的成員,其悠久的歷史及優秀的學術表現令這所學校在英國國內長期穩定排名在前5位。


校園生活方面,杜倫大學以學院制聞名,目前有17所學院。不同於教學研究組織,各學院負責社交、娛樂及居住等職能,扮演學生校園生活的重要角色。每個學院高度自治,有著代表性的院徽、院服、格言、代表色和運動隊伍,並有獨立的圖書館、體育場、運動設施、教堂、酒吧和食堂,部分學院會固定舉行正式晚宴(Formal dinner),需穿著黑袍、西裝、禮服參與。另外,杜倫大學也以體育活動著稱,學生的運動參與率達92%,長久以來高居英國大學之冠。


Durham University大學環境及校園設施

👉杜倫城堡(Durham Castle)

👉體育中心Maiden Castle Sport Centre




Durham University大學排名:

 全球100名大學 – 79th in QS World University Rankings 2018 and 97th THE World University Rankings 2018

 全英國第5– The Times and The Sunday Times Good University Guide 2018

 90%學科排全英10%內 – Complete University Guide 2018


Durham University學費:

👉每年約£22,500 - £28,500


Durham University學校資料

地區:英國 - 杜倫




dURHAM uNIVERSITY熱門基礎課程學科包括:

👉商業、經濟、會計和金融 (Business, Economics, Accounting and Finance)
👉科學與工程 (Science and Engineering)
👉人文、法律、社會科學 (Humanities, Law and Social Science)


Durham University基礎課程入學要求:

👉HKDSE: 3科相關科目成績達332 (商業、經濟、會計和金融  & 科學與工程 課程需包括數學達3) ; 亦接受中五學生申請,校內成績需至少達2C & 2D

👉IELTS 5.0 分或以上 (法律、歷史、英國文學等需要較高IELTS 分數)


直接入讀Durham University學士學位入學要求:

👉HKDSE: 3科相關科目成績達554 (商業、經濟、會計和金融  & 科學與工程 課程需包括數學達3)

👉IELTS 6.5 分或以上 (法律、歷史、英國文學等需要較高IELTS 分數)



Durham University港人熱門學科

BA (Hons) Education Studies

BA (Hons) Education Studies – Psychology

BA (Hons) Education Studies – Sociology

BSc (Hons) Health and Human Sciences

BSc (Hons) Geology with Foundation

BA (Hons) History with Foundation

BA (Hons) Liberal Arts with Foundation

BSc (Hons) Archaeology with Foundation

BA (Hons) Classics with Foundation

BA (Hons) Geography with Foundation

LLB Law with Foundation

Education Studies, BA

Education Studies – Psychology, BA

Education Studies – Sociology, BA

Geology with Foundation, BSc

History with Foundation, BA

Liberal Arts with Foundation, BA

Archaeology with Foundation, BSc

Classics with Foundation, BA

Geography with Foundation, BA

Law with Foundation, LLB

Music with Foundation, BA

Anthropology with Foundation, BSc

Chinese Studies (with Year Abroad) with Foundation, BA

Philosophy with Foundation, BA

Psychology with Foundation, BSc

Education Studies with Foundation, BA

Economics with Foundation, BA

Archaeology with Foundation, BA

Environmental Geoscience, BSc

Biological Sciences with Foundation, BSc

Earth Sciences, MSci

English with Foundation, BA

Primary Education with Foundation, BA

Sport, Exercise and Physical Activity with Foundation, BA

Accounting and Management with Foundation, BA

Sociology with Foundation, BA

Criminology with Foundation, BA

Anthropology with Foundation, BA

Finance with Foundation, BSc

Computer Science with Foundation, BSc

Business and Management with Foundation, BA

Japanese Studies (with Year Abroad) with Foundation, BA

Combined Honours in Social Sciences with Foundation, BA

Health and Human Sciences with Foundation, BSc

Marketing and Management with Foundation, BA

Geoscience, BSc

Geophysics with Geology, BSc

Philosophy, BA

Economics with Management, BA

Music and Philosophy, BA

Physics, BSc

Visual Arts and Film, BA

Japanese Studies with Year Abroad, BA

Ancient History and Archaeology, BA

Economics and Politics, BA

Geology, BSc

Philosophy, Politics and Economics, BA

Theology and Religion Foundation, BA

Politics, BA

Mathematics and Statistics, BSc

Physics, MPhys

Chinese Studies with Year Abroad, BA

Economics, BA

Mathematics, MMath

International Relations, BA

Theoretical Physics, MPhys

Philosophy and Psychology, BA

Accounting and Management, BA

Mathematics, BSc

Physics and Astronomy, MPhys

Archaeology of the Historic World, BA

Anthropology and Sociology, BA

Geography, BSc

Business and Management, BA

Philosophy and Theology, BA

Philosophy and Politics, BA

Geography, BA

Computer Science, BSc

Classics, BA

Politics and International Relations, BA

Archaeology and Ancient Civilisations, BA

Music, BA

Theology and Religion, BA

Mathematics and Statistics, MMath

Engineering (Mechanical), BEng

Classical Civilisation, BA

Engineering (Electrical), BEng

Economics with French, BA

Engineering (Electronic), BEng

Engineering (Civil), BEng

Archaeology, BA

Marketing and Management, BA

Chemistry, BSc

Ancient History, BA

Finance, BSc

Accounting and Finance with Foundation, BA

Computer Science, MEng

Sport and Exercise Sciences, BSc

Primary Education, BA

Anthropology, BA

Chemistry (Industrial Route), MChem

Archaeology, BSc

Criminology, BA

Religion, Society and Culture, BA

Anthropology, BSc

Biological Sciences, BSc

Sport, Exercise and Physical Activity, BA

General Engineering, BEng

Chemistry, MChem

Biosciences, MBiol

Health and Human Sciences, BSc

Sociology, BA

Engineering (Civil), MEng

Ancient, Medieval and Modern History, BA

Chemistry (International Route), MChem

Anthropology and Archaeology, BA

Engineering (Electronic), MEng

Engineering (Aeronautical), MEng

Engineering (Mechanical), MEng

Engineering (Electrical), MEng

Engineering (Renewable Energy), MEng

Climate Science, BSc

Law, LLB

Psychology, BSc

History, BA

English Literature and History, BA

Education Studies – Geography, BA

English Literature and Philosophy, BA

Economics with Management with Study Abroad, BA

Psychological and Behavioural Science, BSc

Psychology and Anthropology, BSc

Modern Languages and Cultures with Year Abroad, BA

English Literature, BA

Natural Sciences, MSci

Economics with Study Abroad, BA

Modern European Languages and History with Year Abroad, BA

Geography with Foundation, BSc

Accounting and Finance with Study Abroad, BA

Combined Honours in Social Sciences, BA



資料來源: 院校網站及刊物, QS世界大學排名
